OakWealth Updates
Our partnership with The Wealth Academy: Building financial awareness and knowhow in young people
20 August
Last year, OakWealth was approached by The Wealth Academy to help deliver programs to school students about money management. Headed by an ex-school principal, The Wealth Academy works to address the lack of resources and focus in schools on...[Read More]
Introducing… Terence Leong, Wealth Adviser
14 August
We are thrilled to have recently welcomed new OakWealth Wealth Adviser, Terence Leong, to the team. In this edition of our Getting to Know OakWealth series, find out more about who Terence is and what makes him tick! Terence joins us from a...[Read More]
Introducing… Steven Koo, Office Assistant
21 July
This month we welcomed Steven Koo as a member of our Office Assistant team. While many of you may already have met Steven over the years, we are pleased to be able to finally officially welcome him to the fold! If you haven't already put two and...[Read More]
2017/2018 Update: New Housing Measures – clarification on ‘Downsizer Contributions’
30 April
Further to our recent post on the new housing measures coming into effect from 1 July 2018, further clarification has now been provided on what 'downsizer contributions' are. As you know, the new housing measures permit individuals aged 65 or...[Read More]
2017/18 Tax Update: ATO announces its focus areas
23 April
The Commissioner of Taxation has recently highlighted the areas the Australian Taxation Office has and will be focusing on. These include: undeclared income; unexplained wealth or lifestyle; incorrectly claimed private expenses; unpaid...[Read More]
2017/2018 Update: New Housing Measures Passed into Legislation
23 February
Here is some good news for both aspiring and established homed owners... Parliament has recently passed legislation which will allow first home buyers to save for a deposit inside superannuation through the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS),...[Read More]
SAVE THE DATE: OakWealth’s End of Year Client Seminar
27 September
We have started the exciting process of planning for the OakWealth end of year client seminar on Thursday, 7 December 2017. Please SAVE THE DATE as we would love for you to join us. Got a wealth topic you want to know more about? Get in on the...[Read More]
2017/18 Tax Update: Cents per kilometre claims in ATO’s sights
25 September
In general, the kilometres you travel in your car in the course of business are deductible. To qualify, the kilometres travelled has to be in the course of producing assessable income or travel between workplaces. This does not, however, include...[Read More]
Where in the World are Rete & Pete?
30 August
Since Rete’s retirement earlier this year, we’ve had so many clients enquire about what she is up to now and whether she is enjoying her retirement. Rest assured, Rete was not only a valued member of the OakWealth team, but also our very own...[Read More]
OakWealth is proud to be a sponsor of Green SuperCamp Australia!
24 July
Established in 1982, SuperCamp is the original academic and life skills camp. It was the first camp of its kind in the United States, and has since expanded to Europe, Asia and now Australia to become the trusted worldwide leader in enhancing...[Read More]
Introducing… Philip Sujanto, Associate Trainee on Professional Placement
30 June
Continuing our Getting to Know OakWealth series, we have Philip Sujanto in the spotlight this month. Philip joined us in February as an undergraduate under the Swinburne Professional Placement program. This Swinburne University program aims at...[Read More]
Using social media? Be aware of tax scams!
26 June
The Australian Taxation Office has advised that, in the lead up to tax time, it's important to be aware of what taxpayers share on social media. Note that scammers may also try to impersonate a tax agent (or their practice) and try to trick...[Read More]
Introducing… Natalie Tran, Associate Adviser
26 May
By now, many of you will have met OakWealth Associate Adviser, Natalie Tran. Diligent, professional and cheerful, Natalie has been a delightful addition to our growing team. Of course, in the same way we like to really get to know our clients, here...[Read More]